Urban Skies under the spell of COVID-19 - Trisha Das
Clean blues skies, three words I haven’t used in succession in many years. In Delhi, you never really see the sky or the stars at night, and when you claim you do, a prompt question always follows “Are you sure it wasn’t an airplane?” As a person who has lived here for over ten years, my relationship with the sky was pretty non-existent. Smog, smoke, and its brothers filled up the air and our lungs and clear skies were something you only witnessed on holiday and returned to tell your friends about it. Pollution combined with a hectic work life simply doesn’t allow one the time to appreciate the beauty of the sky. This year due to the pandemic, I like many others have only my window to experience the world around me, giving time to see the ever-changing skies set up displays that are not only breathtaking but awe-inspiring. This is my humble attempt at capturing the magic the sky has to offer through the lens of my cell-phone. |