Chicks in Trouble |
As I sit on my desk....
It is amazing what I can observe from my desk through the window about birds' activity here in Hangdong, Chiang Mai. I have been wanting to capture them on my camera and here are some early shots. It is the third winter that I have observed Arctic Warbler (winter visitor) visiting the same tree just in front of my desk. More common ones are male and female Olive-backed Sunbirds, doves (Zebra, spotted and black-collared), Bulbuls, Tailorbird, Oriental Magpie Robins and Mynas. (read also beautiful guest in our balcony). Occasionally Greater Coucal visits us. In spring, Scaly-breasted Munias are often seen collecting Spanish moss from the garden for their nests. Once, even a White-breasted Waterhen ran across the pavement. In the evenings, many Ashy Wood-swallows sit snuggled to each other on the electric wires just outside our house. Little green bee-eaters fly around in swarms in the evenings. Often a squirrel visits the hedge looking for any food. If I am lucky enough to capture anyone of them on my camera, they will appear here among the other birds. Other creatures worth mentioning are frogs, snakes, centipede, scorpions, exotic moths, various butterfly larvae and snails eating up any soft leaves and buds. April 12, 2021 After last night's heavy storm we were examining the damage in our little garden. Last time the hanging pot of red dragon flower (Huernia schneideriana) was blown off and broke into bits. This time, we were pleased to note no damage to it, and just as we were examining the pot we noticed a scruffy nest. On closer examination we saw two young chicks of Olive-backed Sunbird in the nest. This explained why the sunbirds have been visiting the tree next to it for all these days, yesterday's picture of the bird with a worm. Good to note that male bird is looking after the chicks! April 13, 2021 - Chicks in trouble! This morning I noticed great distress calls from the Sunbirds. The birds were flipping from branch to branch, calling out for the chicks. As I came out and looked, the nest was empty but I could hear tweets nearby. A bit of search revealed the two chicks in the patio. they kept moving and both the parents following and regularly feeding them. This went on the whole day. Yesterday, when I came too close to the nest, one of the chicks had flown out and fell in the flower bed and I picked it up and put it back in the nest. I am not sure if this is what happens to the chicks when they are ready to fly or this was an accident. It seems the parents are making a mighty effort to keep them alive and make them independent. The whole day, both parents are continuously feeding and caring for the two chicks. Hope they succeed in their survival. We have a lot to learn from them about parenting! April 14, 2021 There is not so much of distress in the sunbirds today. There is one chick making short flights but the parents continually keep following and feeding it. See last six photos. We have not seen the other chick. Hope he has graduated and flown into independence! It is the nature at its full splendor! |